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Stress–strain response of soft clay to traffic loading

机译:软粘土对交通荷载的应力 - 应变响应



Approximately 25% of China's 120 000 km of expressway, as well as many new metro lines and airports, rest on soft clay deposits. However, service settlements are proving larger than expected, especially in southeast China. This note describes laboratory experiments on K0-consolidated intact samples of soft clay taken near Wenzhou, south-east China, that explore whether cyclic traffic wheel loading contributes significantly to the observed settlement trends. Cyclic triaxial (CT) tests are reported together with cyclic hollow cylinder (CHCA) experiments that imposed cardioid-shaped 2τzθ − (Δσz − Δσθ) stress paths. Cyclic principal stress axis rotation is shown to have an important influence on vertical straining. Once a certain threshold has been exceeded, the resilient and permanent strains developed in the CHCA tests become progressively larger than their counterparts in CT tests conducted at the same vertical cyclic stress ratio, with trends that diverge progressively as vertical cyclic stress ratio increases. Critical cyclic stress ratios can be defined that divide the response into (a) stable, (b) metastable and (c) unstable cyclic ranges. The novel experimental approach and high-quality data reported should aid practitioners and modellers in developing new analyses to address this economically significant geotechnical problem.
机译:在中国120 000 km高速公路中,约有25%以及许多新的地铁线路和机场都坐落在软黏土上。但是,事实证明服务结算量比预期的要大,尤其是在中国东南部。本说明描述了在中国东南部温州附近采集的由K0固结的完整软土样品的实验室实验,该实验探索了周期性的交通轮载荷是否对观察到的沉降趋势有重大贡献。循环三轴(CT)测试与循环空心圆柱(CHCA)实验一起进行了报道,该实验施加了心形的2τzθ-(Δσz-Δσθ)应力路径。循环主应力轴旋转对竖向应变有重要影响。一旦超过某个阈值,则在相同的垂直循环应力比下,在CHCA测试中产生的弹性应变和永久应变将逐渐大于在CT测试中产生的弹性应变和永久应变,并且随着垂直循环应力比的增加,趋势会逐渐发散。可以定义临界循环应力比,将响应分为(a)稳定,(b)亚稳态和(c)不稳定循环范围。新颖的实验方法和报告的高质量数据应有助于从业人员和建模人员开发新的分析方法,以解决这一具有经济意义的岩土工程问题。



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